RCMP contact information:
Ph: 403-932-2211 (complaints)
Please note: Your personal information is for internal purposes only; it will not be shared.
This information is being collected under the authority of Municipal Government Act, RSA 2000, C.M 26 and will be used for Town of Cochrane Municipal Enforcement purposes only, as outlined in the Freedom Of Information Privacy Act.
The personal information on this form is being collected under the authority of section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. Your personal information may be used by the Town of Cochrane for the purpose the information was collected or compiled or for a use consistent with that purpose. Your personal and financial information will be managed in accordance with FOIP. If you have any questions about the collection, use, or disclosure of your personal information, please contact the Town of Cochrane’s FOIP Office at FOIP@Cochrane.ca or call 403-932-2674.