Volunteer on a Council Committee
The application period has now closed.
Natural Environment Protection Task Force (four positions available)
- The Natural Environment Protection Task Force acts as an advisory body to Council and Administration, identifying and prioritizing natural areas that should be preserved or restored to protect long-term ecological health, build community resilience, and protect the visual beauty of the community
Task force members will serve a two (2) year term commencing from the initial meeting date. Meetings are scheduled on a quarterly basis or as required. For more information on Task Force deliverables, review the Task Force terms of reference.
What is a Council Committee, Commission or Board?
Under the Municipal Government Act and municipal bylaws, Council can establish a board, committee or commission. Depending on the mandate, a board, committee or commission may act:
- in an advisory capacity to Council, making recommendations on policy issues
- in a governing capacity, making decisions
- in a quasi-judicial capacity, rending decisions based on evidence presented at a hearing
Select a board, committee or commission from the directory to learn more about each one. You may also view any upcoming meetings or agendas.
All meetings are open to the public and held either in-person or streamed online. Please check the agenda for details.
Assessment Review Board (ARB)
- The Cochrane Assessment Review Board (ARB) is a quasi-judicial board established under the Alberta Municipal Government Act and Town of Cochrane Assessment Review Board Bylaw 20/2024 . It is an impartial tribunal that hears formal complaints against the assessment of properties, businesses and local improvements.
Cochrane Planning Commission (CPC)
- The CPC considers development and redesignation applications and acts as the approving authority on development and subdivision matters to the extent required by the Land Use Bylaw (Bylaw 01/2022).
Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) Advisory Board
- The FCSS Advisory Board helps identify and address social issues through program delivery to enhance, strengthen and stabilize family and community life.
- The Library Board is responsible for managing and regulating the operation of the library and encouraging the development of services and activities. Preference will be given to individuals with fundraising backgrounds, or experience in the planning or development of new infrastructure/facility projects.
Subdivision & Development Appeal Board (SDAB)
- The SDAB hears appeals regarding decisions made by the development officer, the Development Authority or the Cochrane Planning Commission with respect to subdivisions, development permits or stop orders issued by the Town of Cochrane. Bylaw 21/2024