Freedom of Information Statistics

Interested in how many FOIP requests the Town of Cochrane receives?

The Town of Cochrane provides weekly updates to current and past FOIP requests. The number and type of requests can be found below. 

Transparency Releases that may be of public interest are published when allowed under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the Act). Severed information in the document is noted in red text on the page.

There are several key activities involved with processing information requests and the number of pages released to applicants is not a reflection of the staff resources, consultations, volume of records or time required to respond.

FOIP Requests by Year

Transparency Releases

Annual FOIP Statistics by Year

The Province of Alberta requires, and the Town provides, statistics for applications filed between April 1st to March 31st. 

Other Public Bodies

The Government of Alberta publishes Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) statistics annually. This publication includes summary statistics on the number of requests that were received by local public bodies. 

View Requests to Local Public Bodies