Cochrane Cemeteries
The Parks department oversees all three cemeteries. These are located on Centre Ave N between the subdivision of Sunterra Ridge and the Mount St. Francis Retreat Centre.
The Cochrane Cemetery was established in 1996 and is the current location for all new inground burial plot purchases.
- Block 1 is specifically for cremations and each plot accommodates a maximum of two cremated remains. Only flat markers are permitted in this section.
- Block 2 accommodates a combination of casket and/or cremation burials and is nearing capacity. Headstones can be upright, pillow or flat.
- Block 3 opened in 2024 and accommodates a combination of casket and/or cremation burials. Headstones can be upright, pillow or flat.
All plots in the Cochrane Cemetery are assigned at the time of need and may not be pre-selected.
St. Andrews Cemetery is referred to as the Protestant Cemetery. All plots are considered reserved and it has been closed to new plot purchases since the Cochrane Cemetery opened in 1996.
- Two columbaria were erected in St. Andrews in 2018, these are inter-denominational. Each columbaria consists of 64 niches which can accommodate a maximum of two cremated remains in each. Niches may be chosen and pre-purchased at any time.
- St. Mary’s Cemetery is referred to as the Catholic Cemetery. All plots are considered reserved, and it has been closed to new plot purchases since the Cochrane Cemetery opened in 1996.
- St. Mary's and St. Andrews Cemeteries are closed to new in ground plot purchases. St. Andrews Cemetery contains two Columbaria where the purchase of a specified Niche is permitted.
The Town of Cochrane cannot be held liable for any damages or loss resulting from theft or vandalism to monuments, vases, flowers or wreaths.
For additional information on burial options and approved monuments, please contact the Parks department, .
Cemetery Maintenance
Although cemeteries are maintained and monitored throughout the year, a full clean-up is undertaken seasonally each Spring (April/May) and Fall (August/September) by Town staff. All non-compliant items are removed and placed for pick-up on the shelf at the entrance of the Cochrane Cemetery for a period of one month.
Non-compliant items include plants, flowers, ground cover, rock, mulch, borders, fences, pictures, ornaments, flower holders or vases, pots, jars, bottles, crosses, wreathes, upright decorations and more. Please check the Cemetery bylaw for details.
Markers with permanent vases are permitted to have fresh or silk flowers.
The parks department typically tops up and seeds or sods every spring on plots that have settled.
This is an above-ground structure with multiple niches designed for cremated remains. Each niche is 11"W x 11" H x 14" D and allows for up to 2 cremated remains in standard-sized urns. The price includes the niche, the first open/close fee, and the first door engraving.
In Ground Burial Plots
Casket Burials
The Town of Cochrane offers double depth burial plots with one monument permitted per plot. Locations are determined at the time of need. Plots allow for the following configurations:
- Two casket burials; first interment at the lower level, second interment at the upper level
- A single casket burial at the lower level (must be first interment) and up to 6 cremations in the upper level
- Upper level only for a single casket OR up to six cremations (no cremations are permitted on top of an upper level burial)
Cremation Burials
The Town of Cochrane offers an in ground cremation section in Block 1. These plots allow for:
- Two standard sized urns OR one companion urn
- One flat marker is permitted on this plot
- Plot is designated at the time of need, there is no choice of location
Cemetery Master Plan
Cochrane Town Council approved the Cemetery Master Plan in 2016 with goals of:
- Creating strategies to improve the layout and operation of the Cochrane Cemetery
- Implementing current best practices and trends
- Enhancing the range of interment options