
Get flood-ready with information from the Canadian Government or by viewing the Alberta Environment & Parks flood alerting, advisory, reporting and water management map.

Concerns about localized flooding or trap lows can be emailed to us or you can call 403.851.2590. Staff will respond on a priority basis. If you live in a new community, please contact your developer directly with any flooding concerns.

How to get prepared

  • Avoid riverbanks and low-lying areas where the river can submerge pathways.
  • Keep children and pets away - fast moving water can erode riverbanks quickly.
  • If you live in a low-lying area that’s at risk of flooding, take steps to be flood ready; move valuables and documents out of your basement.
  • Don't forget to check your sump pump and backflow valve if you have one.
  • Check your swale for debris or blockages.
  • Clean out downspouts and ensure they are pointed away from your foundation.
  • Rainfall can lead to pooling water on local streets; when a significant amount of rainwater accumulates on a street, it is likely located near a trap low; these are devices that control water drainage from streets.
  • Water may accumulate up to a homeowners’ driveway and part of their lawn, but it should completely drain within 24 hours once the rain stops.

Upper Bow River Hazard Study and Flood Hazard Identification Program

March 16, 2018: Upper Bow River Hazard Study Update

March 27, 2017: Upper Bow River Hazard Study update

March 30, 2016: Government of Alberta progress update 

Fall 2015: Survey crews worked along the Bow River in late 2015, collecting ground elevation data and river channel information to support the creation of a hydraulic model, flood inundation mapping and flood hazard mapping. Read more about the survey deliverables.

This is one of six multi-year river hazard studies taking place across the province.