Damage Claims and Witness Statements

What is a claim?

If you feel that you have suffered an injury or damage as a result of the actions of the Town of Cochrane or its employees, you may pursue a claim. While anyone can pursue a claim, it does not guarantee that you will be paid for damages stated in the claim. The Town will only provide compensation if and when negligence against the Town has been proven. Decisions are made based on law and fact. All claims are investigated and considered on their individual facts.

We recommend you contact your insurance company first. They can advise you on how to deal with injury or damage. Your insurance coverage may be more extensive than what you can receive from the Town. Additionally, if your insurer believes the Town is responsible for your damage, they may seek compensation on your behalf. 

The Town is not your insurance company nor does any information on this website constitute legal advice. If you have a legal question, you need to talk to a lawyer.

How to submit a claim

To make a claim, we ask that you complete the Notice of Claim form. Please ensure all required fields within the form are completed as well as any additional information that may be relevant to your claim, such as photos, repair estimates, etc.

Notice of Claim Form

By providing you with this form, the Town of Cochrane does not admit any liability for the damages. The form is solely used for investigation purposes of the incident described.
Small house on a table

Alternatively, you can download and complete a paper Notice of Claim form. Include all relevant information, estimates and photos. You can submit the claim package as listed on the form.
Download the Notice of Claim form.

What happens next

Once the Risk Management Advisor receives your Notice of Claim and supporting documents, the Town will investigate the claim to determine whether the municipality was negligent and liable for the damage. 

You will receive a written response advising of the decision or information on next steps within 30 days of receipt of a completed claims package. Depending on the nature of your claim, an adjuster appointed by Cochrane’s insurer may also contact you. 

Note: If the alleged damages might have occurred as a result of work being performed by a contractor on behalf of the Town your claim will be forwarded to the Contractor.

Claim information

Witness Statement Form

Please notify the Town if you have witnessed a motor vehicle accident or property damage involving Town owned property.  This can include: sidewalks, traffic signs, fire hydrants, light standards, guard rails, town trees, or other property damaged by the public.

Download Witness Statement form

Payment for damage

If you are found to be liable or responsible for damage to Town of Cochrane assets, you may pay your invoice in the following ways:

By mail to:Town of Cochrane
Risk Management Advisor
101 RancheHouse Rd.
Cochrane, AB T4C 2K8
Cheque payable to “Town of Cochrane”
DO NOT send cash in the mail
In person to:Town of Cochrane
101 RancheHouse Rd.
Cochrane, AB T4C 2K8
Cheque payable to “Town of Cochrane”, cash, debit, Visa, or Mastercard.