The Cochrane Growth Study began in 2022 to forecast what Cochrane’s population could look like over the next 25-years. The findings showed that Cochrane has experienced rapid growth in recent years, surpassing previous Growth Management Study predictions (2010 and 2013). The Study also predicts trends in the demand for the places and industries that people live and work.
The Growth Study update to Council in February 2023 marked the completion of its data-collection stage. The Study’s data analysis and reporting stage is underway.
Cochrane's Growth Management strategy works in conjunction with other planning documents to guide the orderly and appropriate growth of Cochrane. It is a non-statutory planning document that aligns with the visions and objectives of the Cochrane Sustainability Plan and Municipal Development Plan.
The Growth Management Strategy focuses on answering four critical questions:
- How much land is required to accommodate growth?
- What are the infrastructure requirements to accommodate the projected growth?
- Does the land supply match the demand over the next 50 years?
- What growth management initiatives are required to achieve the Town’s overall goals and future vision?
For an overview, check out How We Grow, or read the complete Growth Management Strategy: