Council’s Strategic Priorities set the course for where the organization’s efforts will be directed. These priorities guide our organization and the programs and services we deliver to the community.
Focus on multi-modal transportation solutions that achieve positive traffic and pedestrian flows throughout the community.
- Continue to work with Alberta Transportation on the design & construction of the Highway 1A/22 interchange. (2021-2023)
- Relocate the municipal utility infrastructure as required by the Province to facilitate the first phase of interchange completion. (2021)
- Facilitate construction of second access to Sunset Ridge. (ongoing)
- Complete Highway 1A improvements, including four lanes on highway 1A, intersection improvements and the realignment of 4th Avenue to 5th Avenue. (2021-2022)
- Complete improvements to Centre Avenue, including four lanes from Highway 1A to Railway Street. (2022)
- Improve, plan and advocate for local and regional pathway networks that connect all communities. (2021-2023)
- Upgrade asphalt pathway from Mitford Park west through West Terrace Park. (2021)
- Glenbow pathway bridge Lifecycling (2022)
Focus on improved development and land use plans that align with the Social Policy Framework and Growth Management Strategy to promote a complete community while preserving Cochrane’s unique identity.
- Develop and implement a water supply strategy which includes licensing, storage and infrastructure required to accommodate future growth. (2021-2023)
- Complete the Stormwater Master Plan (2021-2022)
- Review and update the Municipal Development Plan, implementing an annual review and update every five years. (2021-2023) (Timing dependent on CMRB Growth Plan)
- Prioritize commercial and industrial development, while broadening residential housing options including affordable housing. (Ongoing)
- Focus on development of the Regional Management Growth Plan and Servicing Plan. (2021)
- Implement the 10-year business development strategy. (ongoing)
Focus on improved community engagement opportunities.
- Establish engagement strategies with key stakeholders for key community issues and projects, including:
- Municipal Development Plan (2021-2023) (Timing dependent on CMRB Growth Plan)
- Strategic Plan (2022)
- Sustainability Plan (2022)
- Budget & Council’s Strategic Priorities (ongoing)
- Connecting Cochrane (Transportation Master Plan) (2022)
- Focus on improved communication to residents about community safety programs and services, achieving solutions through education and awareness. (ongoing)
- Implement the Council approved recommendations of the Economic and Social Recovery Task Force. (2021)
- Create and implement a provincial and federal advocacy strategy. (2021)
- Highway 1A/22 interchange, including:
- Gap 1 (twinning of highway 1a from interchange project to HWY 1a improvements project)
- Gap 2 (twinning of HWY 22 from interchange to Sunset Blvd)
- Regional mass transit system in the Bow Valley Corridor
- Seniors Housing & Affordable Housing
- Water Supply Policies
- Highway 1A/22 interchange, including:
- Establish and implement strategic communication strategies for priority projects, including:
- Highway 1A Improvements
- Transit Hub & Innovation Centre
- Updated Land Use Bylaw and Municipal Development Plan
- New Protective Services Building
- Highway 1A/22 Interchange
- Centre Avenue Improvements
- Horse Creek Sports Park
Focus on services and spaces that achieve an improved sense of community.
- Construct the new Protective Services Building. (2021-2023)
- Complete the Tri-Site implementation strategy:
- Design and construction of the former Esso Bulk Station site:
- Transit Hub & Innovation Centre (2021-2022)
- Update Horse Creek Sports Park Master Plan and complete site servicing. (2021 & 2023)
- Design and construction of the former Esso Bulk Station site:
- Evaluate existing recreation operating model and identify future opportunities. (2021)
- Focus on achieving organizational efficiencies. (ongoing)