Guidelines for Developers

Civil Land Development Technologists work closely with planning staff on the development approval process. Their expertise with technical requirements helps ensure that infrastructure in Cochrane is designed and installed in accordance with local standards. The department is involved in capital projects, subdivisions, development permits, building permits, shallow utilities, stormwater management and homeowner drainage/grading concerns.  

Standards and Guidelines

Cochrane follows many standards and guidelines that regulate development, including some from the City of Calgary. These guidelines can be viewed in the City’s Planning & Development Resource Library.

CCC & FAC Inspections

To request a Construction Completion Certificate (CCC) or Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) inspection, please complete and send the following form to a member of the Civil Land Development team. If you do not have a current contact for your subdivision, please send your request to the email listed at the bottom of the form.

Please note, inspections are weather dependent and will not be conducted between the dates of November 15 and April 1 of each year. Further, landscaping inspections will not be conducted from October 1 to June 1 of each year. 

Inspection Request Form

Forms, Certificates & Permits

Title Sort descending
Builder Grade Form
Civil Land Development Services Fee Schedule
added to Cochrane October 2024.
Construction Completion Certificate (CCC)
Construction Completion Certificate - Landscaping (CCC)
Construction Completion Certificate/Final Acceptance Certificate Checklist
Construction Completion Certificate (CCC) and Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC) Document Checklist
Development Permit Application Checklist - General
Review this checklist to ensure that your Development Permit application is complete. 
Development Permit Application Checklist - Industrial / Commercial / Multi-Unit Dwellings
Review this checklist to ensure your Development Permit application for an industrial or commercial development, or multi-unit dwelling is complete.
Development Permit Application Checklist - Signs
Review this checklist to ensure that your Development Permit application for a sign is complete.
Development Permit Application Checklist - Stripping and Grading
Review this checklist to ensure that your Development Permit application for Stripping and Grading is complete.
Development Permit Application for General Development and Accessory Suites
Development Permit Application Form - Signs
Development Permit Checklist - Change of Use
Review this checklist to ensure that your Development Permit application for a Change of Use is complete.
Dewatering & Pumping Permit
DP Application Form - Commercial/Industrial/Multi-Unit Dwellings
Use this application form to apply for a development permit for a commercial, industrial, or multi-unit dwelling project.
Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC)
Final Acceptance Certificate - Landscaping (FAC)
Statutory / Non-Statutory Plan Amendment Application
Street Use Permit - Schedule D
Telecommunications Tower Application Checklist
Review this checklist to ensure that your Telecommunications Tower application is complete.
Telecommunications Tower Application Form
Use this application form to apply for a Telecommunications Tower.

Helpful Tip

While a new development is being constructed, the developer is responsible for all public infrastructure. Cochrane takes ownership after successful construction completion, a maintenance period and a final inspection.

Disclaimer: Cochrane does not directly offer or supply engineering services. All engineering services are provided through qualified and legally authorized third-party companies and individuals.