Snow & Ice Removal

Did you know that Cochrane crews often work throughout the night to make sure you arrive to your destination safely? 

Cochrane's snow and ice control program help keep Cochrane roads safe and passable, prioritizing emergency routes first. Watch our video to learn more.

Snow plowing

Snow plowing commences after three centimetres of snow has built up or when snow drifting impedes traffic movement. In most cases, the snow is plowed, producing windrows. 

Snow is plowed in this order: 

  • Emergency routes
  • Arterial thoroughfares
  • Collectors
  • Designated hills and roads used by emergency response personnel
  • Industrial area
  • Residential intersections connecting with arterial thoroughfares and collectors

Snow clearing map

Snow removal

The Roads Division implements snow removal when the build up of snow impedes traffic flow and on-street parking. When it is necessary to clear snow, the order of priorities are as follows:

  • Priority 1 – Emergency routes and arterial thoroughfares
  • Priority 2 – Downtown core (Between the hours of 10 pm to 8 am)
  • Priority 3 – School zones

Priorities are assigned to particular roadways by traffic volumes and physical characteristics.

Sidewalk/Pathway snow & ice clearing

The Parks and Open Spaces division clears snow from sidewalks and pathways within 48 hours after a snowfall as follows:

  • Sidewalks adjacent to Town-owned buildings, properties and Town-maintained parks.
  • Sidewalks adjacent to public schools
  • Town-maintained stairway links within communities
  • Bridge walkways across the Bow River and Jumping Pound Creek.
  • Asphalt pathways and sidewalks adjacent to roadways, allowing pedestrian access to the downtown core
  • Asphalt pathways within parks and environmental reserves
  • Asphalt pathway links

Areas not designated to be cleared of snow:

  • Residential sidewalks
  • Unpaved pathways within parks and environmental reserves

Pathway snow routes

Sanding & salting

Sanding and salting of streets, lanes and sidewalks is done to ensure a reasonable level of safety for motorists and pedestrians.

Sand & salt storage

Stockpiling of sand and salt, loading and off-loading of materials is conducted within our salt storage facility. The Roads Division implements best management practices as outlined in the Road Salt Management Plan. They follow these practices to reduce the effects on the environment.

Sand/salt mix is available to residents of Cochrane to help deal with slippery sidewalks/walkways and driveways. This is for residential addresses. This is not intended for use by businesses or snow removal/clearing companies. 

Pick up site is located in the Matt Krol sports field parking lot at 245 Riverview Drive. Please remember to bring a bucket and shovel.

Snow storage site

The Town of Cochrane has developed a state-of-the-art snow storage site, located at 141 Bow Bend Way. The site is not open to the public. The division manages the discharge of melt water to comply with Alberta Environment Water Quality Regulations. This ensures the surface and groundwater resources are protected.

Concerns & requests

The Town relies on input from residents at times of snow emergencies. Residents' reporting on road conditions will be investigated. The Town will take appropriate action if necessary. Please contact the Roads Division during regular office hours at 403-851-2590.

How you can help

During a snowstorm you can help the Town crews by not parking along emergency routes, arterial thoroughfares and collectors.  The best option is to always use your off-street parking such as a driveway, parking pad or garage. 

Other options to assist are as follows:

  • Help us keep our streets clear and safe this winter by taking care around plows and sanding vehicles
  • Shovel driveways and sidewalks onto your property not roadways
  • Keep storm drains clear of ice and snow to allow for optimum drainage
  • Exercise extreme care when driving in inclement weather. Driving on snow packed, and icy roads requires your full attention. During times of poor road conditions, allow extra room between you and the vehicle ahead of you
  • Remember to brake slowly
  • Keep your windshield clean at all times
  • During times of reduced visibility, watch for bicycles, and pedestrians, especially around schools. If at all possible, do not drive during a storm. It is much safer to stay at home and wait until conditions improve
  • Never assume that because the temperature is above zero, the roads are safe. Road salt does not work miracles and is not effective below -10 degrees Celsius