Cochrane CAO Compensation Clarification

Inaccurate information has been shared in local media and social media channels regarding the compensation of the Cochrane Chief Administrative Officer (CAO). 

“This misinformation is having impacts,” stated Lisa Almond, Director of Organizational Strategy and Culture, Town of Cochrane. “I want to be clear that no Town of Cochrane employee is receiving a 40% increase in their compensation – including the CAO.”

Every year, Administration releases a public sector compensation transparency report, which is shared on The transparency report includes all amounts paid to an employee in a year – essentially it reflects what they would see on their T4. In the draft budget book, the salaries and benefits information reflect not only what would be included on a T4, but also the cost of benefits. The comparison of these two figures is not an accurate reflection of compensation changes.

Cochrane CAO Compensation 


Actual salary

Budgeted salary inclusive of benefits

2021 Pre-probation



2021 Post-probation






2023 (proposed) 




This information is available on