Council gives second reading to draft Rolling Trails Area Redevelopment Plan

Community Growth Update

(Cochrane, AB) – On February 12, following a review of Public Hearing feedback and an update from the developer, Council gave Second Reading to Bylaw 17/2023: Rolling Trails Area Redevelopment Plan.

The Plan area incorporates the existing Towers Trail and Rolling Range communities. Both areas were developed into acreage style development prior to their annexation into the Town of Cochrane in 2004. Since that time, the lands have retained their Urban Holdings District land use, remaining as 41 acreages ranging in size from 1.8 to 19.9 acres as well as two Public Service Town owned parcels, one Environmental Reserve parcel and one Municipal Reserve parcel.

In June 2019, Canopy Lands, the applicants for the Rolling Trails Area Redevelopment Plan, presented the Community Enhancement Evaluation to Council. Following this, the applicant submitted an application to Cochrane Administration in October 2019. Since then, the applicant has worked in collaboration with Cochrane Administration to prepare an Area Redevelopment Plan, ensuring it aligns with planning documents and guidelines, including the Land Use Bylaw and existing Municipal Development Plan.

During the February 12 Council Meeting, Administration presented Second Reading for the Proposed Rolling Trails Area Redevelopment Plan, including a summary of public concerns and subsequent levels of planning that will investigate and address the concerns expressed through the public engagement and public hearing process.

“Administration is confident that we have effective policies and mechanisms in place to mitigate the concerns voiced in the public hearing process,” says Mark Krysinski, Director, Community Growth, Town of Cochrane. “Residents, landowners and the municipality are all partners in how Cochrane grows as a vibrant and livable community. If the Area Redevelopment Plan is approved by Council in third reading, concerns raised on increase in traffic, impact to wildlife and natural spaces will be addressed through detailed reporting through the creation of a neighbourhood plan and subsequent steps in the planning process as it advances towards development.”

The draft Rolling Trails Area Redevelopment Plan will be submitted to the Calgary Metropolitan Regional Board for review before returning to Council for Third Reading at a later date.

Before any construction can take place in Cochrane, many plans must first be created, considered and compliant with all existing guidelines and regulations. These include an area structure plan, neighbourhood plan, land use amendment, subdivision, and development permit and building permits, each plan with its own purpose.

To learn more about Bylaw 17/2023: Rolling Trails Area Redevelopment Plan visit for previous Council reports and recorded Council meetings. All Council meetings are open for public viewing at the Cochrane RancheHouse and streamed live online.

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