(Cochrane, AB) – On Monday night, Council heard the public hearings for Bylaw 17/2023: Rolling Trails Area Redevelopment Plan and Bylaw 01/2024: Southbow Landing Land Use Amendment. Public hearings provide residents and key stakeholders the opportunity to share their feedback on applications received by the Town of Cochrane, prior to Council consideration.
Council and Administration appreciates all of the residents and stakeholders who took the time to attend these public hearings and share their feedback on these proposed land use changes. Due to high public participation and hearing duration, some registered speakers were not able to stay until their opportunity to speak.
To ensure everyone has the opportunity to share their feedback, Council extended the Bylaw 01/2024: Southbow Landing Land Use Amendment Public Hearing to February 5 at 5:30 p.m.. This date for the continuation of the public hearing will be advertised on Cochrane.ca and in the Cochrane Eagle.
For details on Bylaw 17/2023: Rolling Trails Area Redevelopment Plan or Bylaw 01/2024: Southbow Landing Land Use Amendment Public Hearings, visit Cochrane.ca/publicnotices.
Anyone interested in speaking at a public hearing is asked to arrive prior to the start time and sign the speakers’ list. Those interested in providing a presentation are asked to send a copy of the presentation to planning@cochrane.ca by no later than 10 a.m. on Thursday, February 1.
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