Water & Wastewater Incident: Update #24

Syphon installation equipment

Following the recent water and wastewater incident, Cochrane Administration is working collaboratively with the municipal consultant and contractor to pursue a path forward with the syphon project. 

The Cochrane West sanitary syphon is a major piece of infrastructure that conveys wastewater from all development west of Highway 22. This includes the communities of Bow Meadows, Bow Ridge, Jumping Pound, Sunset Ridge, Heritage Hills, Heartland, West Valley and West Terrace. Recent flow tests indicate that the capacity of the syphon has been severely reduced since its implementation in the mid-90s. 

The syphon project was approved as part of the 2023 Capital Budget and includes the twinning of the existing syphon to provide additional capacity and redundancy of the existing line. The project was 100% funded from off-site levy funded debt and was tendered in accordance with all required trade agreements and legislation.  

On October 21, both the sanitary and water mains were struck, causing discharge of water and sewer into the Bow River. Since that time, Cochrane Administration, the municipal consultant and the contractor have repaired the line breaks, implemented temporary bypass lines, and worked to ensure the continued delivery of water / wastewater service to our entire community.  

“The investigation into the water / wastewater incident is ongoing, and we intend to bring an update to the November 20 Council meeting,” said CAO Mike Derricott, Town of Cochrane. “As we consider the next steps, we are confident that we are taking all necessary measures to continue to protect the best interests of the community through the contractual agreements and legal parameters put in place.” 

For more information on the Highway 22 to Riverview Syphon Project visit Cochrane.ca/westcochranesyphonproject.