The Family Resource Network delivers Caregiver Capacity Building programs which strengthen parenting knowledge and coping skills, enabling parents/caregivers to create safe, responsive, and nurturing environments while supporting healthy child development.
Home Visitor support is available as support sessions through a weekly visit or over telephone or ZOOM. Home Visitors can provide support related to child-development, strategies for managing problem behaviors, provide helpful referrals to resources, and build caregiver capacity. For more information, please call 403-851-2265.
Education programs offered at the FRN are evidence based and cover a large range of topics. Trained facilitators work with parents / caregivers of children birth to age 18. Programs are delivered in group, family, or one to one sessions, depending on your preference. For more information, please call 403-851-2265.
Triple P – Positive Parenting
Lessons provide practical strategies on a large variety of topics, supporting parent/caregiver with emotional regulation, strategies for managing problem behaviors and encouraging positive behaviors with their children, and building strong, healthy relationships with their children.
Circle of Security Parenting
Lessons focus on creating a secure parent-child relationships by teaching parent/caregiver how to understand their child’s emotional needs, support their child’s ability to successfully manage emotions, enhance the development of their child's self-esteem, and understand their child’s need to be secure.
Nurturing Parenting Program
Lessons foster positive parenting skills with nurturing behaviors, promote healthy physical and emotional development, and teach appropriate role and developmental expectations.
How to parent a teen from a teen’s perspective by Lucy Androski. A teen’s opinion on parenting from stereotypes and experience. This talk teaches parents about technology, teen emotions, and types of parents, all from a teen’s perspective.
FRN provides peer support programs including Le Leche League – Breast feeding support and Grandparents group. See the calendar for a list of current programs.
More Information on Le Leche League click here
Resource Workers provide supportive and encouraging conversations with parents, caregivers, and family members, connecting them to helpful information and resources. They also help with government forms and systems navigation.
If you have a problem and not sure what to do, call 403-851-2265 and get connected to a Resource Worker who can help you find your next step.
The FRN Respite Program supports families experiencing stress and crisis with short term childcare. The program is free, voluntary, and confidential. Eligibility:
· Families must have a child/children 11 years old or younger.
· Families must reside in Cochrane or West Rocky View County.
· Families must qualify for Level 1 or Level 2 of the FCSS/FRN Cochrane Connect Card.
· Families receiving funds from FSCD are not eligible for the free FRN Respite program.
· Preference will be given to families who do not have informal support available.
The FRN understands the importance of building a social connection and we foster a sense of belonging by helping parents and children develop strong social connections, encouraging positive friendships and involvement in community activities. Feeling connected to others boosts self-esteem and provides a support network during challenging times.
For social connection opportunities, information and current programs please visit:
Contact Information
Cochrane and Area Family Resource Network (FRN)
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed between 12 - 1 p.m.
Closed statutory holidays
Extended hours: September-June on the first Tuesday of the month, 8:30 a.m.-7 p.m.