Our services are strength based, trauma informed, inclusive, supportive, and respectful, with a focus on building resiliency.
Child development and well-being programs aim to help children gain a solid foundation in their early years. They actively engage children through a broad range of activities that strengthen, build, and support the mastery of skills. Our program promotes a child’s social, physical, emotional, cognitive, and spiritual well-being in order to assist the child to reach their developmental potential.
Provide families an opportunity for social connections and play, while young children up to age 6, gain and master skills in all developmental domains.
FCSS/FRN Calendar
FRN Facebook page
What is Well-being?
"What if I was to tell you that a game of peek-a-boo could change the world?" asks seven-year-old Molly Wright, one of the youngest-ever TED speakers. Breaking down the research-backed ways parents and caregivers can support children's healthy brain development, Wright highlights the benefits of play on lifelong learning, behavior and well-being, sharing effective strategies to help all kids thrive by the age of five.
Watch this video to learn more:
Ages and Stages
The Ages and Stages Questionnaires (ASQ-3™) for children from birth to age 6, reveal a child’s strengths as well as areas where they may benefit from extra practice or support.
Fill out a questionnaire today
Youth supports and prevention programming
Offered by BGC Cochrane & Area, for ages 7-18.
Youth Outreach line: 403-618-3149.
BGC Cochrane & Area youth programs
Brain health
Including risk for physical and mental illness is determined by more than just our genes. Learn how early experiences get built into our brains and bodies.