Community Tree Fruit Round-Up



    The Community Tree Fruit Round-Up is a community-driven initiative aimed at mitigating wildlife attractants by encouraging residents to harvest edible fruit from their trees, preventing potential nuisances and hazards associated with ripe fruit attracting wildlife such as bears.

    Residents are invited to collect both fallen and picked fruit from their trees. They should be separated for two types of donations:

    1. Fallen Fruit: Fruit that has fallen on the ground, where it will be used to help feed injured or orphaned animals being rehabilitated at the Cochrane Ecological Institute.
    2. Picked Fruit: Fruit that has been picked and has not touched the ground can be donated for human consumption. The harvested fruit will be redistributed to local food banks, including the Cochrane Food Bank and the Îyâhrhe Nakoda Food Bank, as well as the Helping Hands food sheds. This initiative aims to minimize food waste while while also feeding our community. 

    *Please note that soft or mushy fruit cannot be donated and should be placed in your green bin.

    If you notice a neighbor who might need assistance with picking their fruit, please lend a hand to help them participate in this community effort!

    Time: 12:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
    Location: Town of Cochrane Lagoon, 141 Bow Bend Way
