Council approves purchase of land for Horse Creek Sports Park development

(Cochrane, AB) – At the regular meeting of Council on June 24, Cochrane Council approved a significant step forward in the development of the Horse Creek Sports Park – entering into a purchase agreement to acquire 130 acres of land and a school site agreement with Rocky View School (RVS) division, totaling $1,575,560. 

These funds will be sourced from the Municipal Infrastructure reserve. This process sets the stage to support RVS in securing Provincial Government funding for a much-needed high school in Alberta’s fastest growing community.

The Horse Creek Sports Park is a quarter section of land located immediately north of Heritage Hills. Since 2015, a joint effort between RVS and Cochrane has been underway to integrate educational facilities with community sports and recreational amenities. In response to a change in the storm water pond size in 2023, the future high school site had to be relocated, prompting the development of a new concept plan. This plan outlines Cochrane's responsibilities for the land's development and the phased implementation of the site's construction.

Mayor Jeff Genung states, “We have achieved a significant milestone for our community as the Horse Creek Sports Park will provide state-of-the-art facilities for both education and recreation, greatly improving the quality of life for Cochrane residents. The purchase of the land marks a noteworthy step in this process and we are eager to begin working to put plans in place to add a variety of outdoor recreational amenities."

The next step in the process includes Administration will proceed with land acquisition, subdivision, and rezoning. Site preparation, including stripping, grading, and installing utilities, will begin in late 2024. A new concept plan will be presented to the public in early 2025, with phased implementation starting in 2026.

For more information, please visit Ongoing project updates will be shared on the website as developments progress.

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