Water Conservation Rebates

Cochrane offers several rebates to encourage residents to save water. Rebates are available for a variety of water-saving upgrades you can make. 

You can submit a rebate application using the form below. Please be prepared to include proof of purchase for each item submitted for rebate.

Rebate application form

Available rebates


Water conservation through creative landscaping

Did you know?

  • Once established, a carefully and thoughtfully naturescaped area will be virtually maintenance free, usually within one or two seasons
  • Many indigenous species of trees and shrubs will not need more water than nature provides once they have established an extensive root system (usually two growing seasons)

It's more than just a lawn. Whether you call it xeriscaping (xerosis Greek for dry) or naturescaping, you can create an attractive landscape that saves time, money and water. Water-wise gardening isn’t just for seasoned gardeners.  Just follow these basic steps: 

Ready to plant?

Think “Big Picture”. Gardens may take years to develop (that’s half the fun).  Think in three dimensions and keep the finished product in mind.  Start your planting with large features such as trees, raised beds, or stonework, then move on to shrubs, flowers, and ground cover. Using Zone 2 and 3 planting material will ensure a hardy and prosperous nature scape.